Best Practices

Best Practices: Working Posted Leads

To achieve the maximum ROI on a posted campaign, Lead Genesis recommends you follow the following



Day 1

Day 2 & 3

Day 4-10


When reaching a consumer and/or leaving a message, make sure to use the proper reference to ensure the consumer knows who you are and remains confident in the experience.



Disposition tracking is essential to managing your lead campaigns, insuring you get credit for returns, and for optimization. If you are not using a CRM, we highly recommend you do. We offer guidance and consulting in setting one up for you if needed. If you chose not to use one, we strongly recommend you set up a workflow for keeping notes and dispositions on every lead. (I.e. on a spreadsheet).


Negative Dispositions:

The following dispositions are returnable for a refund. On average, expect 12% returns with higher rates in more heavily forested areas such as the Northeast.

Positive dispositions:

Providing us with conversion and win feedback (which specific leads converted) allows us to determine which of our 200+ media channels are performing and allows us to optimize our service for you.

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